Bhutan Travel Blog


Posts tagged "Travel Info"

Camping in Jangkothangphoto by Mark Smeltz

We in Bhutan arrange treks “expedition style” with tents and support team consisting of chef, helper staff and horsemen. While you will be well cared of, you still need to consider appropriate equipment from your end. Based on experience as a guest on Firefox Tours trek, professional author Mark Smeltz's will help you to sort out what you need to take.

100 USD dollar notes with Tiger's Nest of Bhutan as background

In the surprise announcement, Bhutanese authorities discounted Sustainable Development Fee from 200 USD per person per day to 100 USD per person per day. New policy is supposed to be valid till the end of August 2027.

Is this the final correction of the contested tourism reform, or can we expect some more tinkering?

Read our blog to see the answers!

Money falling on the Bhutanese dzong

The long anticipated development for which we hoped was announced today! Bhutan is introducing three duration discount packages in order to incentivize longer stays in Bhutan for international visitors. These three packages are promoted as 4+4, 7+7 and 12+18. Meaning that you pay Sustainable Development Fee of 200 USD per person per night for 4 (or 7 or 12) nights, and you can stay for another 4 (or 7 or 18 respectively) nights without further SDF payment. What it means and how it will work? Read our blog post!

View of Thimphu town with hospital in front and visa insurance letter

It is always good to have travel insurance in case of anything going wrong with your tour. Since September 2022, it is also compulsory requirement for Bhutanese visa. Insurance confirmation needs to be uploaded along with other documents with Visa application. We recommend Trawick International which can be fixed in few clicks and fits all requirements.

Bhutan Coronavirus FAQ

Bhutan is open without quarantien for both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers and no PCR test is required. Thorough the pandemic only 21 people died in Bhutan due to COVID-19. Kindly register to get updates about travel rules changes.

This FAQ is no longer updated as the COVID-19 in Bhutan is no longer actual topic! Travel on!

Tourist with Bhutanese festival dancers

Abrupt announcement of the major overhaul of Bhutan tourism policy and pricing took us by total surprise. We expected tourism reopening and incentives to attract visitors, instead government gave us a slap and big kick. We fiercely disagree with the new policy, however once approved by the legal process of the country, we will duly follow. We will readjust and continue our mission to attract visitors to Bhutan and make their stay wonderful experience worth of the expenses. Here we would just like to summarize what might have change if His Majesty signs this bill into the act.

Happy New Year 2021

While Bhutan tourism reopening plans remains unclear, the future outlook is quite bright and nice. 2021 will mark the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and tourism will return to the much anticipated “new normal”, whatever that actually means. Read below our thoughts and expectations how this will unfold and keep hoping with us, that nothing can hamper the recovery.

Refund for your Bhutan tour

We got several inquiries from people who did pay for their tour to Bhutanese tour operators, often several thousands US dollars, and had to cancel due to COVID-19 pandemic. Now they are struggling to get their money back. Some tour operators stopped communicating, some did say that they only can provide voucher for tour in 2021 or gave other doubtful excuse. Given the long duration of the pandemic with no end in sight, most travelers want to get their money back now, and we are here to help with that!

Tiger's Nest from Viewpoint

Tiger's Nest monastery called as Taktsang Phalphug in Bhutanse, is the major highlight of every trip to Bhutan. It is like the Eiffel Tower in France or Taj Mahal in India – if you miss it, it’s like you didn’t visit the country at all. On the other hand, for many travelers this iconic monastery perched on the steep cliff above Paro valley is also the source of concerns, since you need to undertake the hike – presumably difficult one – to reach up there. Should you be worried? How is the hike in real? Read more in this blog post!

Bumdrak Trek

Although Bhutan is located in the Himalayas, the main settlements like Paro, Thimphu or even Bumthang are in the elevations below 3000 meters which poses very little or no risk to health in regard of altitude sickness syndrome. Unless you are going for trekking above 3500 meters, you don’t need to worry at all. To read about the risk on Bhutanese treks, prevention and related topics, follow reading this post!


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